Denver Art Log


The Night is Dark @ RMCAD (Nathan Ritterpusch)

Creepy; beautiful women as victims and objects of desire, who is the creep?

The wall text calls the paintings “cinematic” and it’s right. Frozen, tense moments, before or after action; part of some narrative for which our only context is movie tropes.

Cindy Sherman. Clowns.

And painted exquisitely. Smooth, hi-gloss, photo-real, and somehow also piled high with juicy paint. There is a directionality to the painterly-ness: horizontal, like CRT scanlines, like glitches, or memory, or ripples moving across the face of water.


Here, Then, and Now @ RMCAD (Christina Shurts)

Muddy rivers of dirty pastels flowing around scratchy canvases. Huge, sweeping, wide-angle-perspectives filled with flat objects of sometimes uncertain depth or position. Depicting dilapidated delight: windswept beaches, abandoned amusement, Coney Island. Painted with, like, nail polish and housepaint.


Childhood Cherry Blossoms @ RMCAD (David Grigorian)

Products of a head full of fantasy art and children’s books. Clumsy, earnest, and kind of wonderful.


The History of Weather @ Gildar Gallery (Ashley & Sarah Williams)

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats o’er’head, higher and higher
When all at once I exclaimed aloud,
“Oh my god! Everything is on fire!”


Stately, austere, melancholy smoke monsters.


Blood Lustre @ Kitchen’s Ink (Andrew Novick)

